Our College
Our Approach
Policy bank
YEARS 9 - 12
Senior School begins at Year 9 at Heritage College Knox.
Our students begin their journey in Year 9 with two key programs: The Rite Journey and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Through these programs students are challenged to move from childhood to young adulthood, developing character and capacity.
Year 9 and 10 continue to offer rigour in academic studies along with creative electives where students develop employability skills including a multi-disciplinary approach, teamwork, resilience and problem solving.
Along with their regular studies, Year 10 students also start their VCE with one year 11 subject. This gives them the opportunity to complete one subject early and reduce their load in year 12.
In Years 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to study a range of VCE subjects with the benefits of small classes and individual attention. Vocational (VET) subjects are also available for students wishing to study with a more hands on approach.
Additionally, students are supported in choosing their future pathways with qualified careers guidance and counselling throughout the senior school.
Despite the pressure of study, assessments and the big decisions in their final years, our students are seen as individuals. Their strengths are recognised and encouraged, giving them the confidence and tools to step into the next stage of life.