Our College
Our Approach
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The early years of learning are critical in providing foundations in literacy and numeracy, but also in determining their approach and confidence in their ability to learn.
At Heritage College Knox we ensure that our students have a learning environment where learning is challenging and fun, where mistakes happen to help learning and where achievement is celebrated in effort and results.
In Literacy we have always used phonics to teach reading through the highly acclaimed, evidence-based program “Little Learners love Literacy.” Through this program our children build their knowledge of sounds and words to become little readers that love reading. This focus on Literacy continues through the junior years as students develop their writing skills, exercising their imagination and discovering the joys of language.
The basics of Numeracy are established in these years and with dedicated Maths experts, our students develop their ability to manage numbers proficiently in the world of sums, measurement, money, and probability.
The junior years also introduce students to a world of adventure and invention through studies of Science, Technology and Engineering, camps and excursions, Art and Music, Drama and Dance, Government and Business; the past and the present.
From Prep to Year 4, there is so much for young minds to enjoy and to learn at Heritage College Knox.