Our College
Our Approach
Policy bank
YEARS 5 - 8
We group these years because it enables us to better meet the needs of students in this age group. These years represent a time of significant change in a young person’s life. They will enter these years as a child and leave ready to start the journey into adulthood.
Their world is becoming a more complex and, at times, confusing place. Physically we know that these are the years where puberty begins but, even more importantly, these years represent their first steps towards social, emotional and spiritual independence.
At Heritage our middle school model is set up to transition students through this stage of their lives in a healthy and supportive environment that is the basis on which the senior years are built.
Tailored pastoral care programs such as ‘being a friend, ‘learning about learning, ‘health and sleep’ thriving in the real and virtual world; and cyber security provide lifelong skills that run alongside the need for increasing depth in their academic studies. Programs are designed and led by caring and supportive adults to help these young people understand and manage the changes they are experiencing.
Middle school at Heritage is full of rich and varied experiences that provide a smoother transition through these years and a solid foundation for the senior years.