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You are invited to participate in this reflection process by way of writing a letter to your child expressing your gratitude to them andwish them well in their journey to adulthood. The letter is an opportunity foryou to share your favourite childhood memories of your child and what you appreciate about them. It is also an opportunity for you offer advice in the form of things (up to three) they will/should leave behind as they put childhood behind them. Please bring this letter with you to the ceremony as you will have an opportunity to read it to your child at this time. The success of this ceremony for our students relieson the involvement and support of parents and carers. The letter presentation is a central part of this ceremony. Please see below for some ideas to get you started on your letter.
You are also encouraged to bring an item of significance from your child’s early life (e.g., toy, blanket, item of clothing etc.) which also gives you something else to speak and reflect on with your child.